This is a really common question I get asked by Thermomix newbies and those still finding their feet with the machine. Firstly, ‘Varoma temperature’ and ‘steaming temperature’ mean EXACTLY the same thing, and are used interchangeably across my (and many other people’s!) content. This is primarily the temperature you will use when employing the steaming attachments (such as the steaming trays and basket), but occasionally this temperature may also be used to reduce down sauces and for sauteing. To use this temperate, simply select it from the temperature settings. If you have a TM31, Varoma temperature has it’s own button (labelled ‘Varoma’). If you have one of the newer TMs, then your Varoma temperature will be the LAST option on your temperature dial - you will see the word ‘Varoma’ appear on the middle circle of your screen.

Easy as that! So whenever you see the words ‘Varoma temperature’ or ‘steaming temperature’, you know exactly what to do. Any good recipe will always specify the temperature setting, so you’ll always be told when you need to use it.
If you don’t have a Thermomix, but rather a similar thermo cooker, then your machine may have a different name for it, but it is whatever temperature your machine is designed to steam on. If your machine doesn’t have a dedicated steaming function, use 110C.
Check out our Varoma accessories.
Need a bit more confidence with your machine? I highly, highly recommend my cookbook Everyday Thermo Cooking as it is filled with super-easy recipes you’ll use every day! You’ll be cooking more often and from scratch in no time, feeling more and more confident and inspired. A Thermomix or thermo cooker is a brilliant machine, but like an iPhone without the apps, without high-quality recipes, you just won’t get the value out of it… but that’s where I come in! Click the book cover to find out more.