Thermomix Paleo Lime & Pistachio Cake Recipe

Thermomix Paleo Lime & Pistachio Cake Recipe

Naturally, this recipe is from the Paleo section of our Thermomix cookbook Recipes from our Cooking School, which means that it’s totally gluten, dairy, refined-sugar and grain free. And lots of protein-rich nuts and sensational superfoods make this sweet treat even more super healthy! If you haven’t tried making or eating a raw vegan cake before, this one is a great place to start.

Serves 12

+ dairy free
+ gluten free
+ vegetarian
+ vegan (optional)
+ refined sugar free


150g raw almonds
150g medjool dates, pitted
1⁄4 tsp salt
120g pistachios, unsalted
2 limes, juice of 2 and rind of 1
1 vanilla bean
440g raw cashews, soaked overnight, drained and rinsed
200g honey
100g coconut oil


  1. Place almonds, dates and salt in TM bowl, chop for 6 seconds, speed 7, or until crumbly. Transfer mixture to the base of a lined 21cm spring form pan. Smooth and press down firmly using wet hands.
  2. In clean TM bowl, place 60g pistachios, chop for 2 seconds, speed 6. Set aside.
  3. Place lime rind and vanilla bean in TM bowl, process for 40 seconds, speed 9.
  4. Add lime juice, cashews, honey and coconut oil, process for 1 minute, speed 8, assisting with spatula.
  5. Add remaining 60g pistachios, mix for 5 seconds, reverse speed 4, or until combined.
  6. Pour mixture onto cake base and decorate with chopped pistachio nuts, pressing in lightly. Freeze for 6 hours, or until firm.

To serve, remove cake from freezer, slice and serve immediately with fresh berries or garnished with dried rose petals (pictured).

Variation: For a vegan alternative, replace honey with maple or rice malt syrup.
Chefs’ Tip: If base is too crumbly, moisten with a small amount of water.

Love this recipe? It features in our Thermomix Paleo cooking class as well as our Recipes from our Cooking School cookbook.