I am so profoundly, out of this world, genuinely excited to share with you my latest cookbook ‘Thermo Cooker Fresh Favourites’ - getting you cooking delicious and nutritious food in your Thermomix more often, and in less time! Softcover NOW AVAILABLE!
This is by far my favourite book that I have written (please don't tell the others!) but it also has been the most challenging personally and professionally with so many highs and so many lows. To name a few - the extremely high standard I set myself for this book often left me doubting my ability to deliver, this was a feeling I hadn't experienced before and toward the end of the book, I have to say, sometimes my nerves got the better of me. I celebrated my 30th birthday, with my amazing family organising the most incredible surprise birthday party. When I walked into the room and everyone shouted "SURPRISE" I honestly have never been so shocked and yet felt so much gratitude to have so many amazing people in my life. I wasn't sure if I was crying from fear or love! My younger sister Loryn, who is my right-hand-woman, food stylist and photographer was rushed to hospital in the middle of shooting the book for emergency surgery and everything had to stop while she recovered. This pushed out the timeline considerably, but our amazing team at Penguin were so supportive and accommodating. And lastly, I signed a contract to have one of my books translated and printed in a very exotic location (but shhhh - more on that later). But even after all this I don't have a doubt in my mind that this is our best work yet, my team and I have delivered over 100 incredibly delicious recipes (all with mouth-watering photos of course) that I know you will love. Even after eating all the recipes (what feels like) 1000 times, we all still use this book daily - that's how good it is!

These recipes in this book are all about fresh, but also all about flavour! There are tasty pizzas, curries, cakes, soups, salads, breads, drinks and more, all with fresh twists and all sure to satisfy… and all made quick and easy in the Thermomix! It’s also got freezer-friendly meals, fermenting and preserving recipes, baked goods, quick dinners and ways to use up leftovers, so you’ll be eating healthier AND saving time and money.
I know you are going to LOVE this book!