Cleaning Your Thermomix

Cleaning Your Thermomix

Your Thermomix Blades Need Me!

If you haven't taken your thermie bowl apart lately and cleaned under the blades, you might be in for a rude shock... it's amazing what can get stuck under there! I regularly run my bowls and lids through the dishwasher, but I always take them apart first and hand-wash the blades. Just like my good knives, my TM blades never hit the dishwasher! Instead, they get a good scrub in the sink with this nifty little brush. I could bat on for ages about how perfectly designed, effective and great value for money it is... but I'm going to let you guys, my wonderful customers do the talking...

Kelly says "I couldn’t live without this little brush. It makes light work out of getting right in and cleaning out the blades. Now I don’t think twice when considering make something doughy in the thermie!"

Belinda says "I have used a few different brushes to clean my blades and this one works a treat, get in great and works brilliantly. Best thing is I have had mine for such a long time and it’s durable. It’s a must have!"

Madeline says "This blade brush is perfect! The flat handle makes it easy to hold, manoeuvre and apply pressure to get rid of stubborn food mess, and the brush end is sturdy so it won't bend and will clean the blades thoroughly. It's great value for money - Plus, it looks stylish! Thanks for another great product AA xx"

Claire says "I've been successfully cleaning under my blades using a few techniques. What a waste of time. This will be the best $8 you will ever spend!!!! Used not just for the thermie e.g. inside water bottle lids."

And that's just four of the sixteen FIVE STAR reviews that we've received from verified customers... honestly I'm tempted to post them all, but I think you get the idea - you need this brush :P