With over 10 cookbooks to our name, we know it's hard to remember which recipe is in what book! To help solve this problem, and to add additional value to our wonderful customers, we've collated all the recipes from our cookbooks into one single repository on our website which is easily searchable by ingredient or recipe name. This is one of those recipes - it's not a free recipe, but the photo, introduction, ingredient list and page number are all listed here to help those who already have the cookbook find the recipes they want. If you don't already have this cookbook, there's a link below if you'd like to check it out - we know it'll get you eating better and cooking more in your Thermomix machine or thermo cooker!

Slow Cooker Creamy Mango Coconut Pudding

Slow Cooker Creamy Mango Coconut Pudding | Recipe

I’ve always loved sweet, creamy, coconut-y Asian desserts. And how good is mango? Combine the two and I’m in heaven. If you’ve never eaten a tapioca pudding before, it’s just like custard, but fresher and lighter – perfect after a big meal. In fact, I reckon you could also enjoy this one for breakfast, just like a chia pudding! This recipe honestly couldn’t be easier and also takes only 2 hours to cook, meaning it’s my go-to ‘last minute’ slow cooker dessert ... as much as anything in a slow cooker can ever be last minute!

Serves 6

+ dairy free
+ gluten free
+ vegan
+ egg free
+ nut free
+ soy free


Can coconut cream
Tapioca pearls
Caster sugar
Vanilla extract


This recipe can be found on page 145 of our fresh and delicious slow cooker cookbook; Modern Slow Cooker. Truly, this book redefines how you see your slow cooker. If you don't already have this one in your collection, you can check it out here...

We’ve redefined slow cooking and given it a modern makeover - you’ll be amazed by what you can create! With the right recipes and accessories, slow cooker meals can be vibrant, interesting and full of flavour – let us show you.