‘Thou Shalt Not Drag Thy Thermomix’

‘Thou Shalt Not Drag Thy Thermomix’

‘Thou shalt not drag thy Thermomix’. It is one of the commandments instilled into new owners and one that is essential for the proper functioning of the Thermomix scales, which reside in the feet of the machine. But gee, it’s tempting! Your Thermomix sits in pride of place at the front of the bench where it is easily accessible, but then you go to roll out pastry… and wouldn’t it be nice to have some extra space? Perhaps push your Thermomix to the back of the bench? ‘Thou shalt not drag thy Thermomix’. Right, you’ll lift it and place it at the back of the bench out of the way. Oh wait, your Thermomix is working away cooking a tomato chutney, filled to the brim with hot liquid… might not be lifting it anywhere. Stumps.

Perhaps though, the Thermomix could sit on a platform that slides, without the need for the machine itself to move? You could simply glide your Thermomix away, while it happily continues to cook your chutney. You now have ample room for your pastry, while your scales are safely protected. The platform glides the Thermomix smoothly and effortlessly, in a way that pushing or dragging it never could. Amazing? We think so, but why stop there?

By raising your platform slightly from the bench, your functionality increases tenfold. You can easily grip the sides of platform for effortlessness movement. You can also neatly house the Thermomix power cord underneath, keeping everything tidy but still allowing for optimum function of the scales. A little cable notch at the back makes this seamless, especially if sitting your Thermomix flush against a wall. Moreover, if you’ve got a TM31, you’ll also be protecting the motor from spills or overflows.

After all it’s arduous work, your Thermomix deserves only the best to rest on. How about a platform made from Forest Stewardship Council certified European Beech and sealed with a food-safe finish? Not only is each piece unique and of the highest quality, but also sustainably made. The curved edges replicate the curves of the machine itself, because every detail is important.

What is this magical platform you ask? The Thermo Deluxe Slide (pictured), available exclusively from us!

P.S. While we are on the topic of Thermomix scales, if you are ever having problems with yours check that nothing is leaning against the Thermomix, that the power cord is fully extended and without tension and that the feet and surrounds are clean with nothing underneath them.

This article first appeared in TMix+ magazine, devoted to all things Thermomix.

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