Scoopable Berry Ice Cream in the Thermomix

Scoopable Berry Ice Cream in the Thermomix
Homemade berry ice cream that's scoopable straight from the freezer? Yep, I've got recipe right here for you! And you can tailor it to whatever flavour your family likes (or whatever ingredients you've got on hand!) - raspberry, blueberry, cherry, boysenberry. All delicious, all easy with my recipe. I love setting my scoopable homemade ice cream in my mini silicone containers - the lids prevent any freezer burn or contamination of flavours, and the individual serves are just so cute! Give everyone their own little tub of ice cream - I'm obsessed. Here's a quick video of my homemade blueberry ice cream...
Serves 4 - 6 
+ gluten free
+ nut free
+ soy free
+ dairy free (option)
+ vegetarian (option) 
+ vegan (option) 


300g frozen berries (blueberries, cherries, boysenberries, strawberries, raspberries, or a combination)
20g raw sugar
180g sweetened condensed milk*
300g thickened cream*


  1. Place berries and sugar in TC bowl, mill for 10 seconds, speed 9. 
  2. Add condensed milk, mix for 5 seconds, speed 9. Scrape down sides. 
  3. Insert butterfly. Add cream, whip for 20 seconds, speed 4. Scrape down sides. 
  4. Whip for a further 5 seconds, speed 4. Divide mixture between four silicone mini tubs. Put the lids on and freeze for minimum 8 hours. 

Allow to stand at room temperature for 15 minutes before serving straight in the tubs. Easy as that! 

*We've made this recipe with dairy-free coconut condensed milk and oat 'cream' and the results were absolutely delicious, so we'd highly recommend that variation if dairy is off the menu for you.