Once you have a Thermomix there is no need to ever buy mayonnaise, it is so easy to make! Despite taking only a couple of minutes and all the ingredients being pantry staples, customers still tell me they’ve never tried it, or worse – that they tried it and it SPLIT. So here’s my list of everything you need to know to get a great mayonnaise (and what to do if things go wrong!):
Grapeseed oil is the preferred choice when making mayonnaise. It is a fantastic emulsifier and also has a neutral taste meaning it won’t overpower the other flavours in your dish. However it doesn’t have the nutritional benefits anywhere near olive oil, so I always like to sneak a little extra virgin olive oil in. I use a maximum of 1/3 olive oil to 2/3 grapeseed oil and always emulsify the grapeseed oil first. If you want to avoid grapeseed oil altogether (it is high in polyunsaturated fats), you can use macadamia oil instead. Macadamia oil emulsifies well and has a beautiful buttery taste, however is more expensive than the alternatives, especially noticeable when using 250g per recipe!
The egg yolk and lemon juice in most mayonnaise recipes are essential not just for flavour, but also for emulsification – don’t omit! Ensure that your lemon juice is fresh (not bottled store-brought), or use vinegar instead (white balsamic or apple cider are my favourites). Many people insist on room-temperature eggs; however I don’t think it necessary with a Thermomix.
Want to make a VEGAN & EGG FREE mayonnaise? Follow our egg-free aioli recipe on page 45, Thermo Cooker Fresh Favourites.
The trick with mayonnaise is not to add your oil too fast, particularly in the first 10 seconds. This is when emulsification occurs and avoids your mayonnaise “splitting”. Slowly drizzle oil over the lid, allowing it to drip down onto the TM blades. If you’re a pro you can freeform pour slowly through the hole in the lid (no MC), but when starting I definitely recommend pouring onto the lid with the MC in place (only downside is it is more mess to clean up). Once you can see white flecks and the emulsification has clearly begun, you can speed up the pouring. Many people say the butterfly is necessary, however I almost never use it and always get great results (the least dishes the better in my books).
Once you’ve got your basic mayonnaise recipe down-pat you can add all sorts of flavours! For a garlic aioli or herb mayo, chop ingredients, leave in TM bowl and start basic mayonnaise recipe. Add dry spices such as curry powder, paprika or ground chipotle. For a delicious smoky middle-eastern mayo, use a dry harissa mix (this is my favourite!). For a chilli mayo add in homemade chilli sauce or Sriracha sauce. To sweeten your mayo add a teaspoon of honey (sweet chilli anyone?). Add dry flavourings in with your mustard, whereas wet ingredients are best added after the oil has been emulsified.
If your mayonnaise splits, ie. looks curdled and oily rather than smooth and silky, this usually happens because the oil has been added too quickly. Don’t throw it out – simply set it aside and start again. This time, instead of using oil, use the split mixture, and don’t add salt or mustard.
Two of my favourite mayonnaise recipes are my honey aioli from Quick Fix: Every Occasion and my spicy dipping sauce from Quick Fix in the Thermomix (pictured). Want an egg free, vegan mayonnaise? We’ve got that too! It’s in our Thermomix cookbook Thermo Cooker Fresh Favourites.

How about making some mayonnaise to accompany tonight’s dinner? You’ve now got all the intel! Want Thermomix dinner inspiration? I’ve got that too!